Home USA Ice Hockey Girls Try Hockey For Free Day In Washington Metro Area Sees Massive Boom in Its Second Year

Girls Try Hockey For Free Day In Washington Metro Area Sees Massive Boom in Its Second Year


Thompson looked on as little girls in full hockey gear smiled and waved at parents while they attempted to skate and stickhandle pucks. Some were more comfortable on the ice than others, but the idea was to give them a positive first experience with the sport.

A $25,000 grant from the Monumental Sports & Entertainment Foundation to the Potomac Valley Amateur Hockey Association, the local USA Hockey affiliate, helped launch the first event in 2023. The grant covered helmets and ice time at the rinks, which also collected donated gear for the girls.

Thompson had hoped for 50-100 girls in 2023, but they had more than three times her highest projection. Her second-year goal was simply to draw more than last year.

The impact of this year’s event became apparent when the Future Caps Learn to Play program went from 17 to 25% girls in less than 24 hours. Thompson hopes that will rise to 30% or more in the coming weeks.

Thompson said the event’s success was due to the women and girls who volunteered throughout the area.

“I would say the absolute number one key to success is volunteers,” she said. “Having girls who play hockey as volunteers at the event is what makes it successful. This event absolutely would not have been possible without the volunteers.

“Every single rink had girls’ players on ice helping out with equipment. It’s huge. These young girls are seeing these role models on the ice. They’re surrounded by other women and girls on the ice. They’re being supported. They’re seeing other kids try it out. It’s just really cool.”

As Thompson pointed out, the hockey environment can prove to be intimidating for a young girl.

“The ice is loud, there’s a lot of gear that’s heavy, you’re trying to balance, you’re falling, it’s cold,” she said. “There’s something to be said for seeing these little girls who found that sense of friendship or community or positivity within those 90 minutes that we were on the ice.”

Thompson foresees continued growth in the event. She said that could include multiple days each year and expansion to include girls ages 10-15.

“We are already speaking about how we can hopefully do something like this in the future for the older age group,” she said. “It’s the rinks that make it a success. I absolutely cannot take credit for that. It’s all up to the rinks. Hopefully, there is no ceiling.”

Adding to the growth of girls hockey will also be the 2024 IIHF World Girls’ Hockey Weekend, which takes place Oct. 11-13. USA Hockey programs and affiliates, as well as hockey programs throughout the world, will be celebrating girls hockey in various ways. 

In Washington, Thompson wanted to ensure that all of the participants at their September event each had a positive experience with the game whether the girls continue with hockey or not.

“We are going to celebrate every little success,” she said. “It’s just really being able to tell these girls that we are so proud of them for doing something they’ve never done before, whether they spent the full 90 minutes on the ice or maybe they didn’t even step foot on the ice.

“It’s all about creating that first touch point with the sport. We want it to be positive, no matter what it looks like.”

Story from Red Line Editorial, Inc.

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