Home Leagues NHL Rumors: If the NHL expands, are they are risk to watering down the league?

NHL Rumors: If the NHL expands, are they are risk to watering down the league?

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TSN: Pierre LeBrun on if there shouldn’t be NHL expansion talk and if the NHL’s running the risk of watering down its product.

** NHLRumors.com transcription

Dave Feschuk: “So we know why the league would be interested in this. Obviously, Gary Bettman is bandied about some crazy numbers for what the expansion fee could be. Something in the $2 billion range has come out of his mouth. I guess we won’t know what he’s going to get until he gets it. And that’s money that the owners do not have to split with the players.

LeBrun: “Bingo.”

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Feschuk: “They just go split it up among themselves and laugh all the way to the bank. We know why the players will want it here because it’s 25 more jobs per team, right? And that makes sense for the players.

But as fans and observers and people who just care about the good of the game. You know at what point do we worry that we’re watering down the product to a very unproductive point?

LeBrun: “And by the way, why the AHL would want it, another AHL team.”

Feschuk: “There you go.”

LeBrun: “Keep going down the…”

Feschuk: “Yeah.”

LeBrun: “… go down, everyone, everyone gains from it. Yeah, it’s a good question on watering down, I mean, it’s funny, showing my age again, but you and I are the same, we won’t get into our exact days but they’re the same era you and I. I used to hear that argument more the first time the league started expanding this aggressively.

Remember when the Tampa’s and Ottawa and Anaheim and Minnesota entered the league, this was, this was very much a predominant media narrative. How can you do this? You know, there’s not enough hockey players to go around.

And I think what has happened is twofold. I’m not saying that this is the answer that satisfies your question, but we know that USA Hockey on its own, nevermind the rest of the world, USA Hockey on it’s own is producing more players than ever at the elite level.

And in fact, a few years ago, I believe surpassed Hockey Canada for players playing a minor hockey period. There’s more Americans playing hockey than Canadians for the first time in the history of the sport. Now, which of course make sense when you look at the population of the US that it’s finally happen, but my point is, USA Hockey is an absolute monster and a machine right now to a level that has never been. Like they’re just pumping them out.

Number two, there are more players playing across the world. The game, the game continues to expand and in different countries and at different levels.

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So I get the counterargument. I’m not saying I’m married myself to it, but for the purpose of our conversation is that there are more people playing the game then before and therefore it can sustain more expansion.

Myself, I mean, if I’m gonna be totally selfish because I have no, no skin in the game and don’t you know, I’m not an NHL owner, I would rather they stay at 32. I think 32s is fine. I think the other leagues in North America seem happy not going past 32, right? But that’s not my call.”




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