Home Leagues NHL Rumors: Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brad Treliving and William Nylander

NHL Rumors: Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brad Treliving and William Nylander

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TSN: Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brad Treliving on the William Nylander contract situation

** NHLRumors.com transcription

Reporter: “Of everything on your to-do list in the offseason, the only potential piece of business that wasn’t attended to I guess would be William Nylander’s status. Not going to ask you to comment, cause I know you’re not going to, but everybody’s different. Some guys don’t like to discuss it during the season.

Can you just discuss your approach? Will the lines of communication remain open or is that something that will be shelved until a later date?

Treliving: “Yeah, and you’re right, I don’t do it to be a pain to you people, but I’m not going to comment. I’m not going to do a daily play-by-play on it.

I think I made a comment recently that, obviously, it’s a priority. We want to get Willy signed. Willy’s a really good player. You want to keep your good players.

Willy’s expressed to me, him and I have talked, that he wants to be here. So, that’s usually a good starting point. And so we’ll try to get it done. The lines of communication will always stay open. We’ll work with Lewis and see where it gets too.

And today, today’s a day we want to answer any questions but after today really I’m not going to comment on it until we got something to report. And I just find it’s best to do business that way and hopeful we can find a good conclusion.

Sportsnet: William Nylander on his contract situation and not wanting any more questions about it.

** NHLRumors.com transcription

Reporter: “How do you approach the season just knowing your contract situation?”

Nylander: “Yeah, you know what, I want to be here. This is where I want to play but I let my agent and Brad take care of that. I’m not going to answer any more questions about my contract.”

Reporter: “How are you able to be so not bothered by this whole thing, We’re all talking about it on the outside?”

Nylander: “Yeah, I mean, I still have one more year left. So, that’s how I’m thinking about it.”


Reporter: “Are you okay with negotiations happening during the season or would you prefer that to not happen?”

Nylander: “Like I said, I want to play here and I’m going to let my agent take care of that.”


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