Home Canada Ice Hockey Update from the independent Nominating Committee

Update from the independent Nominating Committee


Hockey Canada’s independent Nominating Committee is hard at work and very encouraged by the response from Canadians

“It is impossible to read the resumes and cover letters and not have a very good feeling about the future of Hockey in Canada. It is truly amazing how the country has responded in such a positive way,” said Michael Bruni, Chair of the Nominating Committee for Hockey Canada.

The independent Nominating Committee is hard at work vetting over 550 applications for the nine vacant positions on the Board of Directors of Hockey Canada that were submitted by the November 10 deadline. The Nominating Committee includes seven people from Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C.

From coast to coast to coast, from every province and the territories, applicants reflect the best of Canadian communities and values. “A common theme across applications is a strong desire to provide solutions, highlighting empathetic leadership skills that are so relevant in today’s world,” said Alain Deschamps, member of the Nominating Committee (Quebec). The Nominating Committee is undertaking a rigorous process to review and consider every submission with care.    

“We opted to be laser focused matching the immediate priorities of transition management, hiring a CEO and experience with governance renewal outlined in former Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell’s report,” said Jane Hu, member of the Nominating Committee (Alberta).  Justice Cromwell completed his independent Governance Review Report earlier this fall providing a plan and priorities for the incoming Board members.  

The Nominating Committee is making some very hard choices in the coming weeks to select only eight candidates for the Board of Directors and one Chair. The task however has been made much easier with the depth and scope of the talent of individuals who have stepped forward from all regions and backgrounds.   

Over and over applicants shared the impact of hockey on their family, their community and their own identity. Many candidates explained how they gave this considerable thought, consulted with their families before applying and indicated they are prepared to commit the time needed.  

The Nominating Committee received heartfelt pitches from police officers, teachers, successful C-suite business leaders, immigrants to Canada, surgeons, hockey parents, Olympians, Paralympians, politicians, judges and even a passionate pastry chef who set out a recipe for re-building the Hockey Canada organization. The downside with so many willing to help, is turning away outstanding candidates.    

The tone at the top is very important. The Hockey Canada Chair and Board will need to restore public confidence in their decision-making process right out of the gate. “I am confident the new Board will have the skills and experience to accomplish what is needed for years to come to set Hockey Canada on a new path,” said Susan Kitchen, member of the Nominating Committee (Ontario).

The Nominating Committee is aiming to finalize its selection of the candidates in the next few weeks.  The Members will vote on December 17 to ratify the new Board. 

Additional quotes from the Nominating Committee:

“A common thread among the applications was more about what they could do for Hockey Canada versus what this opportunity could do for them,” said Anthony Wright, member of the Nominating Committee (B.C.)

“In every submission for the transition board, the love of the game of hockey is evident along with a passion to improve the culture and create a safe, diversified space in sport.  There is a strong commitment expressed to chart a new course for Canada’s national sport, creating a brighter future for today and for our children, grandchildren and those not yet born,” said Kallie Wood, member of the Nominating Committee (Saskatchewan).  

“The overwhelming number of highly qualified applicants who have taken the time to volunteer for these positions reflects how important this is for Canadians from coast to coast,” said Mick Ryan, member of the Nominating Committee (Nova Scotia).

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