Home Features *CONTEST CLOSED* Introducing the first ever InGoal Mask Art Contest

*CONTEST CLOSED* Introducing the first ever InGoal Mask Art Contest



Our Goalie Mask Art Contest contest received an unexpected boost from Brian Dempsey (@bdgoalie on Twitter), a friend and reader of InGoal Magazine, over the weekend. Dempsey, who is a goaltending coach at Aurora University competing in NCAA Division 3, offered to purchase masks and paint jobs for the contest through relationships with Victory masks and two paint companies. Those two painters — Jason Livery of HeadStrongGrafx, who InGoal has worked with in the past, and Doug Wager of Weasel Head Custom Designs — rose to the occasion and offered to provide the paint jobs for free, with Livery and HeadStrongGrafx offering to paint two masks.

Similarly, InGoal’s friends at Bauer and CCM stepped up with an offer to provide masks for the contest, giving us a mask and paint job as a prize for the three oldest age groups.

Not wanting anyone to be left out, InGoal has made arrangements to buy a fourth mask from our friends at The Hockey Shop for the under-8 category, and Game Face Graphics, who recently wrapped Jack Campbell’s Toronto Maple Leafs mask after the trade from the Los Angeles Kings, agreed to create a custom wrap for that winner.

Add it all up and we now have one mask, with a paint job (or wrap) for every category!

Thanks to Brian Dempsey for inspiring this expansion, and to everyone else for stepping up and making it possible. And to the rest of you, keep those great designs coming.

DEADLINE EXTENSION: With the massive interest we expect the new prizes to generate, we’ve moved the deadline to Sunday April 5th at 11:59pm Pacific Time to give everyone a chance to create something wonderful.


With almost every form of hockey paused or outright cancelled because of COVID-19, we’d like to give goalies and goalie admirers something fun to work on as they sit at home.

Inspired by @EssensasBlocker on Twitter (who also provided the mask templates available for download below), we thought goalies young and old would enjoy an activity almost all of us have at least dabbled in – designing absolutely awesome goalie masks!

So, we’re holding a contest. Here are the rules:

  1. Using the templates provided, other templates, or drawing the whole mask yourself, create the ultimate goalie mask design. Get creative, get colourful, and let your imagination run wild! Original art and design is a must – don’t just copy an existing mask!
  2. Send your design via email to [email protected], and post it on social media (Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook) with the hashtag #GoalieMaskChallenge. Please include your name, location (country and city), and age in the email submission.
  3. The deadline for submissions is Sunday April 5 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. Our judges will take the week to deliberate, and announce the winners as soon as possible.
  4. One winner will be chosen for each of the following age groups (age as of April 5th):
    1. 8 and under
    2. 9-12
    3. 13-16
    4. 17 and up
  5. There’s a limit of one mask design per entrant, so feel free to make as many as you like and post on social media, but only email us your very best mask. Any goalie mask style, modern or vintage, is acceptable.

Winners will be notified by email. Submitted artwork will be shared for all to see at ingoalmag.com, as well as the InGoal social media channels. Select submissions may be featured in future InGoal articles and social media posts, with full credit given to the artist.


No contest would be complete without excellent swag. All winners will receive a subscription (or gift subscription if already subscribed) to InGoal Premium. Some of our friends have stepped up to offer gifts appropriate to each age group.

  1. 8 and under: Premium Subscription, a package of InGoal stickers.
  2. 9-12: Premium Subscription, a copy of Eli Wilson’s instructional book Hockey Goaltending.
  3. 13-16: Premium Subscription, a hat and a sticker package from Vintage Goalie brand, Catchball goalie training tool, Maria Mountain’s Goalie Training Pro Shutout Academy membership.
  4. 17 and up: Premium Subscription, a month’s membership to Pete Fry’s Goalie Mindset Academy, and Goalie Mindset Secrets audiobook, Maria Mountain’s Goalie Training Pro Strategic Mobility Program.

The winner of each category will also receive their very own goalie mask, with a custom paint job for the oldest three categories, and an awesome wrap for the youngest!


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Now, get designing!


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