Home USA Ice Hockey New USA Hockey Scholarship Supports Aspiring Hockey Directors

New USA Hockey Scholarship Supports Aspiring Hockey Directors


“We’ve just got such a great community here in Missoula, in Montana,” Hoene said. “There’s a reason that I came out here, and then there’s a reason that I stayed here because it’s just an amazing place to live.

“And coupled with a really awesome hockey community, how could you leave? I feel taken care of here, too. I think I still have more to give here in the Missoula community. There’s exciting stuff happening.”

Hoene reacted with surprise when told that she had been awarded the scholarship.

“I’m kind of like, ‘Really? Me?’ It’s an honor,” she recalled, adding “how important it is for girls to see other women in positions like this. I never saw it when I was younger. I didn’t know it existed. I have 10 years of girls who I coached who have seen me in this position, and now they know that that’s possible. It’s cool.”

Thanks to the new scholarship, this will be the first time that Hoene has attended NARCE.

“I was going to try to go, either way, but it definitely just made the burden a lot easier, obviously,” Hoene said. “I’ve been trying to get to this conference for the last four years. I’ve been wanting to go since I got hired. It is not easy to get there from Missoula, Montana. This year when this opportunity came about, I’m like, let’s do it, let’s go.”

Story from Red Line Editorial, Inc.

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