Home LeaguesBritish National League The Numbers Game: Storm vs Panthers

The Numbers Game: Storm vs Panthers


The Elite Series is well underway and the only game on Tuesday sees Ryan Finnerty’s unbeaten Manchester Storm taken on winless Nottingham Panthers.

Both sides aren’t short of talent so an interesting game could be on the menu when they meet for the first time in this competition.

We’ve decided to take a look at the numbers and see what comes out to try and determine how this one could pan out.


Number of appearances by Joe Hazeldine for Nottingham Panthers prior to his move to Manchester Storm, picking up one assist and two penalty minutes


Number of points scored by Samuel Herr in fixtures between Storm and Panthers in 2019/20 – made up of five goals and five assists


Number of games between the teams that saw the contest go into overtime or penalty shots


Number of players who picked up at least a point in games between Manchester Storm and Nottingham Panthers in 2019/20

Ciaran Long is the join top points scorer in the Elite Series so far (PHOTO: Mark Ferriss)


Attempts on goal by Nottingham Panthers combined from their first two games in the Elite Series, but yet to pick up a point so far.


Number of points by Ciaran Long and Scott Simmonds for Manchester Storm so far. Long has three goals and an assist while Simmonds has a goal and three assists.


Number of Lillehammer players who should play in Tuesday’s game, with Martin Gran (Storm) up against former team-mates Brendan Ellis, Nick Dineen and Austin Cangelosi (Panthers)


Number of wins apiece for each team in Manchester from their last 12 meetings.  Manchester’s wins have all come in either overtime or regulation time.

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