Home News Changes coming at The Leafs Nation* – TheLeafsNation

Changes coming at The Leafs Nation* – TheLeafsNation


* I felt the asterisk is needed in case you aren’t reading this late on Monday night and are in fact reading this after the changes have taken place. 

If there is one constant in life it’s change and likely that people will then complain about that change. I’m hoping we get a lot less of the latter as we are implementing our changes around TLN. If you are reading this Monday night, you might have noticed sites like Canucks Army and Flames Nation have switched over to a sleek new, updated format that is very 2022. It’s been a few years since we’ve had a redesign on the Nation Network team sites, and there are a few changes beyond just prettying us up a little.

Our site will hopefully be loading a lot faster for you now. Speed is what the Nation Network set out to achieve in the redesign and we should now be able to live that dream.

The other dream we are hoping to live is improved readability, both with a nicer font, but also with more thoughtful ad placement that doesn’t disrupt your reading experience as much. Unfortunately, ads are a part of life as the network needs to help me keep up my fur coat and diamond ring lifestyle that I’m used to.

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Another change that is coming is we are pivoting our comment system over to Disqus, and I have to say this is a change that I’m quite excited about. We’ve never really had the active, thriving commenting community we’d hope to see on this site and perhaps Disqus is our path to getting to talk to you more.

While a pretty site is one thing, I’d hope the main reason you are here is for the content and we have had some changes there too.

This summer we’ve seen a number of our writers move on to exciting new opportunities. That has led us to bring in some exciting new faces for TLN. We’ve recently added Bennett Jull, Colin Hunter, Jaden Ho, and James Reeve to our site, as well as Mike Westlake who is helming our social media for us. We’ve even been fortunate enough to coax Ryan Fancey out of blogging retirement.

We’ve got a few more exciting names to announce in the coming days as well, so stay tuned as we continue to keep you waist deep in Leafs coverage whether you asked to be or not.

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