Home News Fischler Report: A Reflection on the Summit Series

Fischler Report: A Reflection on the Summit Series



The 50th anniversary of the Canada-Russia Summit Series has produced a wealth of books, documentaries and more interviews than you can count dollars in The Bank of Montreal. It’s a big deal in Canada, as it should be.

Not surprisingly, the reaction in Uncle Sam Land has been somewhere between temperate and “You mean there was such a series.”

If anything, it demonstrates the difference in hockey thinking on one and then the other side of the border.

I speak firsthand because — when the 1972 tourney was played — I was in Washington State on vacation with my wife, Shirley. Merely finding a Summit game on U.S. tv was a feat in itself. After some hustling here and there, I did get to watch the telling match when Peter Mahovlich actually looked like a better player than his Hall of Fame brother, Big-M-Frank.

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