Home LeaguesBritish National League Hockey Tips: How to Get Started If You Are a Beginner

Hockey Tips: How to Get Started If You Are a Beginner


Have you been watching hockey for a while now and are finally ready to step on the ice yourself? No matter your age and whether you want to play only recreationally or have hopes of going pro and reaching the NHL or EIHL, you might need some help getting off the ground. Here are a few useful tips for beginners.

Get to grips with the terms

For starters, it’s important that you learn the terms that are used in ice hockey. If you’ve been following the game for a while, you’ve surely gotten to grips with most of them. However, in case you’re going in blind, it’s a good idea to first understand what assists, blueliners, netminders, creases, drop passes, power plays, and neutral zones are. Fortunately, the internet is your friend here and you will easily be able to learn these and many more that you will use on a daily basis if you decide hockey is the right sport for you.

Understand the rules

In addition to learning the lingo, you will also need to understand the rules of the game in order to play. There are some basics that you will have to adopt even if you want to play only for your own enjoyment, but every league has its own specific rules. For example, you can easily find the NHL rulebook that every player is expected to follow. As a beginner, it’s normal that you don’t know everything at once, but be open to always learning and in time, you will know everything by heart. While mistakes are inevitable, being aware of the rules can help you prevent most of them.

Acquire some basic skills

If you’re completely new to the sport, you want to get some relevant skills. You want to know how to handle the puck, shoot and pass. Strength training and improving your stamina are also essential aspects that you cannot overlook. Seeing as how you might not always have access to an ice rink as an individual, you can work on your skills in your yard or the local gym. Furthermore, if you currently don’t know how to skate, don’t worry, you can learn this skill too. Something else to think about is playing in an indoor league to develop your abilities.

Get the necessary equipment

To play hockey, you will also need some equipment. A good suggestion is to get used gear or borrow it from friends that also play, seeing as how some of it can be expensive. Once you’re sure you will stick with the sport in the long run, you can invest in quality pieces. For instance, the skates and the stick need to be the right size to prevent injuries. Then, you can also think about getting quality hockey jerseys and other clothes to help you train. You can even opt for something cool or make your own jersey with your name and favourite number as that can encourage you to work harder to reach your goals as well as enjoy the game more. What is more, you don’t want to overlook pads, gloves, helmets, gum shields, neck guards, and other vital pieces of equipment.

Look for a team to join

Once you’ve learned the terms and rules, worked a bit on your skills, and found the right gear, you can start looking for a team. Depending on where you live, there might be a local team looking for members regardless of their skill levels. You might have to go to another town to find a team. Keep in mind that, even if you are aiming to become a professional at some point, you will have to start in an unknown or low-ranking team and work your way up. You never know when a scout might spot you from the stands.

Ask questions

If you’re the newest member of your team, people will understand that you are still getting used to things. Use this opportunity to ask your coaches and teammates any questions you might have. From the rules to the equipment all the way to certain technicalities like transport, don’t hesitate to enquire about everything that interests you.

Learn from your mistakes and other players

Something else you shouldn’t be afraid of is mistakes. You will certainly make them, but by embracing them and actually learning from them, you will get to be a better player. Moreover, your teammates are also sure to have a few mishaps, so watch them closely and see how you can improve your game. If they try to give you tips based on their previous experience, welcome them with open arms.

Don’t give up

Finally, keep in mind that every beginning is typically difficult. So, even if it seems like nothing is going in your favour, don’t give up. Talk to your teammates and see how you can improve. Work on yourself and your skills instead of resigning at the first sight of trouble. Make sure you’ve tried everything before you walk away.


If you’re looking to become a hockey player, follow the tips listed above. From learning the terms and rules to getting the right equipment and accepting advice, start getting ready for success.

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