Home Canada Ice Hockey Two decades of devotion

Two decades of devotion


As a volunteer with the Summerside and Area MHA for over 20 years, Gordie Montgomery has been an unsung hero of Canada’s game, spending time giving back in almost every role imaginable

It was 1999 when Gordie Montgomery decided it was time to give back to the
game he spent years playing. This time, though, it would be from the other
side of the bench, as a volunteer. Gordie has served in various roles with
the Summerside and Area Minor Hockey Association (SAMHA), including, most
prominently, as a devoted member of the board of directors for more than 20

With Gordie’s children – Brett, Matt and Stacy – enrolled in minor hockey,
it only made sense for the hockey dad to get involved and help out where
needed. Little did he know he would be doing it for over two decades – with
still no sign of slowing down.

Gordie first became involved as a coach, spending several years guiding his
children through the minor hockey system. He has served as technical
coordinator with the SAMHA, played a lead role in the delivery of
pre-season camps, in-season camps and clinics, and has been a lead
instructor with the association’s First Shift program since its beginning.

Whether it was coordinating Esso Fun Days, Come Try Hockey events, growing
the women’s game or doing his day-to-day duty as a board member, Gordie
stepped up anytime, and for anything. He was always there for his kids, his
association and his community, no matter the challenge.

“Gordie has been a valued volunteer with our association for a very long
time, providing leadership to several programming initiatives, as well as
serving as a wonderful mentor and role model to players, coaches and
officials,” says Doug Dexter, president of the Summerside and Area Minor
Hockey Association. “He is very dedicated to the development of young
people through their participation in the sport of hockey and has been a
key contributor to the many successes our association has enjoyed over the
past number of years.”

Gordie’s experiences with the SAMHA led him to get involved at the
provincial level with Hockey PEI. He put on body-checking safety clinics,
was a member of the Hockey PEI Development Committee, sat on the female
advisory committee and was a member of the Canada Games selection

A big reason why Gordie has stuck with it all these years has been the
rewarding factor of seeing his time and efforts be reflected in the
development and advancement of members of the association.

“It’s about giving back to the hockey community,” he says. “I find it
rewarding to watch young players develop new skills while having fun at the
same time, as they continue with their personal and hockey development.”

Gordie could not have devoted so much of his time to hockey without the
support of his wife, Cathy, and three children.

Gordie Montgomery has worked quietly behind the scenes for so long. He’s
been the one who can be called on when needed most, is relentlessly
reliable and is an unsung hero to the Summerside hockey community.

“It’s funny, once you get involved with something that you care about and
put a lot of time into, it’s hard to step away, especially as a volunteer.”

Find out how you can get involved as a volunteer with your local hockey
association on Prince Edward Island.

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